The four main theme tracks of the conference were:
Overcoming the burden of disease
The sessions featured in this track will highlight the challenges of addressing South Africa’s quadruple burden of disease: HIV and AIDS, TB, injuries and violence and non-communicable diseases. Abstract submissions will be considered if they demonstrate rigorous and effective treatment and prevention programmes which have led to health targets being met or exceeded in healthcare facilities. For example: How have facilities structures succeeded in addressing South Africa’s alignment to the UNAIDS 90-90-90 HIV/AIDS treatment targets? What have been the accomplishments in maternal, neonatal, child and women’s health? What are the key learnings resulting from interventions in the health districts aimed at addressing ‘life-style’ diseases and reducing preventable chronic illnesses?
Strengthening service delivery and access
In the face of scaling up access to universal health care — particularly for remote communities — and the need to improve the quality of service delivery, South Africa’s health system is being placed under enormous pressure. With the aim of creating equitable access to health care for all citizens various projects are currently underway to strengthen infrastructure, systems, training and services in health facilities. Such initiatives include primary healthcare re-engineering, the Ideal Clinic realisation and the Office of Health Standards Compliance. We invite abstracts which demonstrate practical and proven health systems strengthening measures in service delivery, financing, health technologies and drugs, human resources, leadership and governance and information systems. Sessions under this track will also present examples of collaborations between health structures and communities which have led to improved services and better health outcomes.
Better policy design, implementation and practice
Under this track, sessions will examine the crucial role fulfilled by evidence-based health research in helping to formulate relevant national health policy, implementing effective and wide-scale health programmes, and employing monitoring and evaluation practices. As public-private partnerships have been formed in recent years, what will be the role of the private sector in South Africa’s public health system in the future? Abstract submissions encompassing systems thinking and action research will be considered for these sessions.
Sustainable development post-2015
The post-2015 development agenda is in the process of being defined by the United Nations and will be launched at a Summit in September 2015. The 17 proposed post-2015 goals focus on a multi-sectoral approach to address the various social determinants of health with ‘ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages’ as the health goal.