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District Health Barometer 2007/08

Day, C [ed]
Other Authors: 
Barron P, Monticelli F, Sello E [eds]
Publication Year: 
Published by: 
Health Systems Trust

The Health Systems Trust (HST) released its latest edition of the District Health Barometer on the 6th of July at the Health Informatics South Africa conference, Emperors Palace, Gauteng. The publication illustrates important aspects of the health system at district level through the analysis of a selected range of health indicators from which comparisons among districts and provinces can be made. Data feeding into the report are drawn from a range of sources including the national Department of Health, Statistics SA, the TB register and the National Treasury. It is the only publication of its kind in South Africa that makes available comparative data for the purpose of measuring and tracking progress in primary health care at district level.

Media coverage of the DHB 2007/08

Table of Contents:


Introduction and Overview
Indicators used in this DHB
Methodology and Data Sources
Data Display

Section A: Indicator Comparisons by District

1. Socio-economic Indicators
1.1 Deprivation Index
1.2 Equity: Monitoring the gap between the most and least deprived districts

2. Input Indicators
2.1 Per Capita Expenditure on Primary Health Care
2.2 Proportion of District Health Services Expenditure on District Management
2.3 Proportion of District Health Services Expenditure on District Hospitals
2.4 Cost Per Patient Day Equivalent in District Hospitals

3. Process Indicators
3.1 Nurse Clinical Workload
3.2 Bed Utilisation Rate
3.3 Average Length of Stay
3.4 Clinic Supervision Rate

4. Output Indicators
4.1 Immunisation
4.1.1 Immunisation coverage
4.1.2 Immunisation drop out rate (DTP1-3)
4.1.3 Immunisation coverage (Measles 1st dose) and drop out rate (Measles 1 2)
4.2 Caesarean Section Rate
4.3 Male Condom Distribution Rate
4.4 PMTCT Indicators
4.4.1 Proportion of antenatal clients tested for HIV
4.4.2 HIV Prevalence amongst antenatal clients tested
4.4.3 Nevirapine uptake rate among pregnant HIV positive women
4.4.4 Nevirapine uptake rate among babies born to HIV positive pregnant women
4.5 Primary Health Care Utilisation Rate

5. Outcome Indicators
5.1 Incidence of New Sexually Transmitted Infections
5.2 Tuberculosis
5.2.1 Smear conversion rate
5.2.2 TB cure rate
5.3 Diarrhoeal Incidence in Children Under 5
5.4 Rate of Children Under 5 Years Not Gaining Weight
5.5 Delivery Rate in Facility

6. Impact Indicators
6.1 Stillbirth Rate
6.2 Perinatal Mortality Rate (PNMR)

Section B: District and Province Profiles
South Africa
Eastern Cape Province
Free State Province
Gauteng Province
KwaZulu Natal Province
Limpopo Province
Mpumalanga Province
Northern Cape Province
North West Province
Western Cape Province

Appendix 1: Correlation of the National Antenatal Sero-Prevalence Survey with the DHIS
Appendix 2: Deprivation Indices
Appendix 3: Further Notes on Methodology
Appendix 4: Population Data by District and Province Comparing the DHIS and 2007 Community Survey Population Estimates

Raw Data, Sources and Working Documents: Most of the zipped files are in 7zip format. This free software can be downloaded from

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