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Leading NGO, the Health Systems Trust has released the 25th edition of the South African Health Review.  Entitled ‘health systems strengthening after COVID-19’, the journal provides valuable insights and recommendations on how to improve the response to the pandemic and build more resilient health systems.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the world, and the health sector has been at the forefront of the response.  Curated as a supplement to the 2021 edition, which addressed the response of government and the broader health sector to COVID-19, the 2022 South African Health Review provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their experiences and insights on how they navigated this crisis and build more robust health systems for the future. 

"The 25th edition of the journal is a significant milestone, and we are proud to have provided a platform for sharing insights and experiences for over two decades," said managing editor, Ashnie Padarath.   "We hope that the articles in this edition will be informative and thought-provoking, and that they will contribute to the ongoing process of reflection and learning that the Review seeks to stimulate."

The journal encompasses a diverse array of subjects, including reflections on the work of the Ministerial Advisory Committee during COVID-19 and the knowledge gained and lessons learned from the processes. Additionally, it explores the ramifications of COVID-19 on maternal, women, and child health and highlights the gendered implications of the pandemic, revealing that women experienced more pronounced effects of stress, fear, and depression during the lockdown period compared to men. 

Commenting on its release, CEO and co-editor of the Review Dr Themba Moeti said that “This edition of the South African Health Review offers promising examples of COVID-19 response, mitigation and recovery strategies for us to use the emerging lessons to enhance our health system resilience and better prepare for future pandemics.”

Strong messages emerging from this edition emphasise that in order to effectively promote national vaccination programmes, it is imperative to equip healthcare workers (HCWs) with comprehensive, relevant, and current information. This will enable them to enhance patient communication and increase vaccine acceptance.  Subsequent chapters delineate an inventive collaboration between the public and private sectors aimed at mitigating the accumulated volume of elective surgical procedures at Groote Schuur Hospital and reflect on the importance of consulting, involving and deploying community based organisations such as clinic committees in public health emergencies from the outset. 

The crucial importance of inter-country collaboration is emphasised in mitigating disease transmission and impact, with authors advocating for a more coordinated approach to managing cross-border health measures.  

Additionally, the Review highlights the intersection between climate change and health systems and reinforces the imperative to prioritise health within the framework of a 'just transition' and to enhance the capabilities of healthcare systems to be low-carbon and climate-resilient as crucial focal points for improving pandemic preparedness.   

For more information on the journal and to access the latest edition, visit


The South African Health Review (SAHR) is an accredited peer-reviewed publication. Now in its 25th edition, the aims of the Review are to advance the sharing of knowledge, to feature critical commentary on policy implementation, and to offer empirical understanding towards improving South Africa’s health system. The Review is recognised as one of the most authoritative sources of commentary on the South African health system. It is widely used in teaching public health at undergraduate and postgraduate level in South Africa, and by scholars, donors, journalists, policy makers and policy implementers at various levels of the health system.    

Chapters for the Review comprise a mix of specifically commissioned work reflecting on core health systems issues, as well as issues of particular importance, with findings from topical research. Authors comprise subject specialists, assisted wherever feasible by less-experienced researchers as a means of capacity development. Contributors include those working in the formal public health sector, parastatal organisations, scientific councils, non-governmental organisations, academia, and bilateral and multilateral support agencies. 


The Health Systems Trust (HST) is a leading role-player in the South African public health arena, focusing on health systems strengthening, research, and strategic support in the implementation of priority health programmes. Established in April 1992, on the brink of democracy in South Africa, HST has played a significant role in the evolution of the national health system. Today our strength lies in the knowledge, insight and experience we harness through synergising our research and implementation outputs towards a healthy life for all.

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