By Willemien Jansen (HST Copy and Content Editor)

Research shows that the proportion of South Africans consuming marijuana, cocaine and heroin has increased substantially since the early 2000s. Less than 2% of South Africans polled in 2002 admitted to using illegal substances in the previous three months, including cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine, inhalants, sedatives, hallucinogens, and opiates. By 2017, the percentage had increased to 10%. According to a study done by researchers at the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), a growing percentage of patients visiting rehabilitation facilities between 2012 and 2017 had an opioid addiction, primarily to heroin. A study done in Cape Town found that "Despite high levels of substance use disorders in Cape Town, substance abuse treatment utilization is low among people from disadvantaged communities in Cape Town." Clearly, the use of illicit drugs is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in South Africa.
This is why campaigns like the South African National Council On Alcoholism and Drug Dependence's (SANCA) is so important. This year's campaign is titled "Kick your habit" and runs from 26 to 30 June. According to SANCA, only one in seven people have access to treatment. SANCA explains the campaign as follows:
"The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the complexities of addiction and dependency and to spread awareness through experience by challenging individuals in our communities and across the country to give up one thing or habit for a week and experience, albeit briefly, what a substance-dependent might go through in treatment."
They say that with this campaign, they aim to have experience lead to education.
"Whether this 'thing' is caffeine, tobacco, chocolate, or shopping is wholly up to the individual. However, it is important to carefully consider your decision and choose a daily habit. Raising awareness of the difficulties associated with substance misuse brings us one step closer to reducing the incidence and prevalence of substance misuse in our country. As citizens of this nation, it is our duty to work together to secure a better future for next generations."
Support SANCA's campaign by giving up one of your habits for a week and experience what a substance-dependent person might go through. Post your experiences on social media to further raise awareness of the "Kick your habit" campaign.
To read more about SANCA's campaign, go to the SANCA campaign website.
For information about private rehab facilities, visit We Do Recover
For more information on state rehab facilities, visit the Rehabilitation website.