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Annual Report 2004-05.pdf
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2005-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
This Annual Report of the Health Systems Trust (HST) reflects an extensive programme of research and development initiatives during the 2004/05 financial year, responding to priority health needs in South Africa and the broader SADC region
Annual Report 2022 (04042024).pdf
2024-04-19 12:00 AMLebohang DikobeHealth Systems Trust2024-04-19
YesHealth Systems Trust
In the current annual report (2020/2021) we report on
progress and achievements of 11 projects and activities
across all our business units.
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2003-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
This Annual Report presents a few highlights of HSTs work in 2002/2003, including the National HIV/AIDS Scientific Forum organised jointly by HST and the National Department of Health in August 2002 the national Public Health 2003 Conference
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2002-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
This, my second annual report as chairperson of HST, provides an opportunity to reflect not only on one year, but ten years of Health Systems Trust’s existence as a leading health NGO in South Africa.
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2000-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
The review of activities that we are presenting in this report is compiled against the backdrop of the policies and plans articulated by government through the Ministry and Department of Health
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1996-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
The conditions under which non-governmental organisations
operate have dramatically changed since 1994
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1997-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
If 1996 was about development of policies in the health sector, 1997 was certainly a year of
accelerating implementation of these policies
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1998-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
In July of 1998, Professor Jairam Reddy retired from his position as Chairperson of the Board of the Health Systems Trust.
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2006-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
The 2005/6 period has been an exciting phase in the life of the Health Systems Trust. Key achievements include broad expansion of our work in strengthening Health Information Systems and monitoring and evaluation within the public health sector in SA
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2007-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
2006/07 was a year of consolidation for many HST projects, but also a time to redirect our strategy and develop new areas of work
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1993-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
The Health Systems Trust is committed to a health care system which meets the needs of all South Africans
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1999-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
Support for decentralisation of health care remains an important component of a shift towards equity, and a current challenge for health planners is defining the relationship between, and relative roles of, the health district and local government.
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust2013-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
A sense of considerable pride overcomes me very year with the publishing of Health Systems Trust’s Annual Report
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2004-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
Highlights of the year include the launch of the 2003/04 edition of the South African Health Review, which provides a 10 year perspective on progress in the health system since democracy
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2008-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
The year under review has been an exciting time for the Health Systems Trust (HST).
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2009-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
HST remains committed to its mission to contribute to building comprehensive, effective, efficient and equitable national health systems by supporting the implementation of functional health districts in South Africa and the Southern African region.
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2010-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
The recent global economic crisis has brought home a renewed realisation of the importance of good leadership. Leaders all over the globe are, rightly, stepping up to the plate
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 1994-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
The Health Systems Trust is committed to a health care system which meets the needs of all South Africans
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2012-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
In concluding our 2011/2012 financial year, HST looks back on a very inspiring and successful twelve months.
HST Annual Report 2013-14 Web.pdf
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2014-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
In presenting this report on HST’s journey through another successful year, I am pleased to confirm that we are in a stable financial position to take our work into a new chapter
HST Annual Report 2014 2015 final_0.pdf
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2015-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
It is a great pleasure to share the HST Annual Report
covering our activities and accomplishments from July
2014 to June 2015.
HST Annual Report 2016 - LR WEB.pdf
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust2016-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
It is a great pleasure to share the Health Systems Trust
(HST) Annual Report covering our organisation’s activities
and accomplishments from July 2015 to June 2016.
HST Annual Report 201617 FINAL WEB.pdf
2018-01-12 12:00 AMLucy WilemanHealth Systems Trust2017-12-31
YesHealth Systems Trust
HST Annual Report 2018 FINAL 14DEC2018.pdf
2018-12-18 12:00 AMnvisionHealth Systems Trust2018-12-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
The diversity and volume of health systems research and implementation projects presented in this
report reflect over a quarter of a century of commitment to improving health outcomes in South
HST Annual Report 20182019 FINAL.pdf
2020-01-22 12:00 AMnvisionHealth Systems Trust2019-12-19
YesHealth Systems Trust
As we look back on another year, and reflect on
our achievements, we are reminded that what
has inspired HST’s success over the past 27
years has been the wish to enable people to live
healthy lives.
HST Annual Report 2020 2021_Final.pdf
2022-09-27 12:00 AMLebohang DikobeHealth Systems Trust2022-09-27
YesHealth Systems Trust
In this annual report (2020/2021) we report on progress and achievements of 11 projects and activities across all our business units.
HST AR 2019 2020 FINAL.pdf
2021-01-22 12:00 AMnvisionHealth Systems Trust2020-12-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
This annual report covers Health Systems Trust’s (HST’s)
programme activities and achievements for the period
July 2019 to June 2020, with selected highlights to
September 2020.
HST AR 2022 2023 Final.pdf
2025-01-29 12:00 AMLebohang DikobeHealth Systems Trust2025-01-06
YesHealth Systems Trust
The 2022 – 2023 year was one in which we achieved a number of important milestones. Soon after concluding our financial year in June 2023, the Board approved HST’s 2023 – 2028 strategy in October
2017-06-05 12:00 AMWendy NeilanHealth Systems Trust 2011-07-01
YesHealth Systems Trust
Health Systems Trust (HST) will celebrate twenty years of supporting health service delivery in South and southern Africa in 2012