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Look up the most popular medical & pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations, and find out what they stand for.
Created and maintained by the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, this free Web site explains some of the conditions the agents are used to treat, adverse effects, potential drug interactions, and other details about the properties of selected herbal and botanical agents. The Web site's goal is to publish unbiased monographs that cite the scientific literature to bolster or refute the purported clinical properties of each herb or supplement.
The ARSRC promotes informed public dialogue and opportunities for learning and advocacy on human sexuality to ensure positive changes in policies and programmes on sexuality issues in Africa.
http://www.arsrc.orgGender Issues
The Center’s mission is to promote the well-being of Africans through policy-relevant research on population and health. Information and Resources
This internationally recognized treatment newsletter is an excellent resource for persons living with HIV/AIDS who are looking for information on new therapies. AIDS Treatment News has been published twice a month by John S. James since 1986. AIDS
AIDSMap is produced by NAM in collaboration with the British HIV Association and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Initial funding was generously provided by St Stephen's AIDS Trust. NAM exists to support the fight against AIDS with independent, accurate, accessible and comprehensive information. NAM aims to create and disseminate information resources rooted in the experiences of those most affected, enabling individuals and communities to take action and control in responding to HIV and AIDS.
http://www.aidsmap.comHIV/ AIDS
All the Virology on the WWW seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet. It is a collection of all the virology related Web sites that might be of interest to fellow virologists, and others interested in learning more about viruses. Additionally, they have created an index to virus pictures on the web, The Big Picture Book of Viruses, which also functions as a resource for viral taxonomy. A collection of some of the best Online Virology and Microbiology Course Notes available can also be found here.
Wide range of peer-reviewed information on allergies
The Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics is a non-profit, international organization solely dedicated to preserving the power of antibiotics. Founded in 1981, APUA conducts educational, research and international networking activities to promote more appropriate use of antibiotics around the world.
AMEDEO’s core components include weekly emails with bibliographic lists about new scientific publications, personal Web pages for one-time download of available abstracts, and an overview of the medical literature published in relevant journals over the past 12 to 24 months. All these new information resources are free of charge. and Literature
Advancing Health Care Through Information Technology Includes the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
http://www.amia.orgInformatics and Telematics
Resource for public health professionals - disease prevention and health promotion.
Practice information including the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
AMREF's mission, in partnership with communities, governments and donors, is to improve health care for the underserved in Africa through service delivery, training and research.
http://www.amref.orgGlobal Health and Development
W3C Recommendations and Telematics
The Apache Software Foundation, a nonprofit organization that builds free Web technology, is now turning its attention to Extensible Markup Language and Telematics
There are many situations where a classification system (not just an identification system) for medicines is needed. The problem is the lack of an international standard. The Anatomical, Therapeutic Chemical drug classification system is developed and maintained by the WHO collaborating Centre of Drug Statistics Methodology, Norway. It is a hierarchical, 5-level system, where the fifth level is the chemical substance. More about the ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) system can be found at the home page of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology.
Bellanet is an international initiative working with the development community to increase collaboration. We support partnerships by providing advice and assistance on more effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
http://www.bellanet.orgInformatics and Telematics
The Internet is replete with resources available to those with an interest in bioEthics including education, research involving human participants and animals, medical and health care ethics, and the implications of applied genetics and biotechnology. This website contains a broad collage of annotated web links, and while this list is comprehensive, it is not totally inclusive. The listed resources provide background information and various positions on issues in bioEthics . Where possible, we have linked directly to those positions. and Literature
The site is brought to you by HealthMatics LTD, a health informatics consulting company based in the United Kingdom. An online directory provides links to biohealth informatics resources and the knowledge center provides an introduction to those who have little or no knowledge about biohealth informatics.
http://www.biohealthmatics.comInformatics and Telematics
Serving medical scheme members’ is the motto which guides the manner in which the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa fulfils its function of representative body to the Funding industry.
The Botshabelo Project is being developed in Midrand by Covenant Life Church with the help of many concerned individuals and companies. Botshabelo is a Tswana word which means 'place to run to' and the Botshabelo Project is a multi-sectoral project addressing the needs of orphans (or abandoned babies), abused women and economically disadvantaged people. The church opened a Home for Abandoned Babies in March 2000 and has recently opened a Shelter for Abused Women and their children. The Food Gardens project has been operational since May 1999 and has provided trainees with the necessary organic food garden and business skills to run their own food garden businesses. Social upliftment and economic development are the core goals of these projects initiated by Botshabelo. and Child Health
A useful source of reliable drug information. BNF39 is the latest updated version available.
This monthly journal includes a variety of reports, reviews, controversies, perspectives, and news from the frontlines of public health. New features in 2001 include state-of-the-art reviews on clinical problems and Health Policy issues, expanded coverage of international news from reporters around the globe, updates on the initiatives and views of WHO, and interviews with leading figures in public health. Media
Offers readers business, political, and labour news Media
Mobi-site. B-Wise is a product of South Africa's National Department of Health in partnership with PEPFAR to promote health among adolescents and young people in South Africa. and Child Health is a collection of resources related to calculators. and Telematics
Very useful web site with clinical practice guidelines, full text of Association journals and a compilation of health and medicine-related Internet sites for the use of physicians in their practice and research. and Development
A service of the National Cancer Institute - comprehensive information on cancer. and Literature
CHANGE is a research and advocacy organisation that seeks to integrate concern for gender equity and social justice into international health policy and practice. Initiatives supported include: International Research Network on Violence Against Women; Multi-country study on domestic violence and health; and Men's roles in reproductive health and rights Issues
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