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District Health Barometer 2022/2023

After a two-year hiatus, it is with great pleasure that I introduce the eagerly anticipated 2022/23 edition of the District Health Barometer (DHB), a vital statistical and analytical resource that provides an overall view of district health performance on key health systems indicators.

This 16th edition of the DHB provides information across a wide range of district health services, covers over 30 indicators and continues to provide policy-makers, health workers, planners, researchers, academics and stakeholders a unique overview of the performance of public health services in South Africa. By providing a detailed analysis of health indicators, trends, and challenges at the district level, the DHB equips district managers and other stakeholders with the data necessary to identify priorities, plan and implement targeted interventions, and monitor progress. This year’s Barometer also includes a chapter on air quality and health as we introduce environmental drivers of health in the publication in response to the effects of climate change on health. 

As an innovation for the publication, an online interactive dashboard has been developed. This dashboard will include all the indicators that have been compiled in the publication along with accompanying narratives on the key findings for the most recent year of data. It provides userled navigation, with the ability to drill down geographically from provincial to district level. Users will be able to decide what indicators to focus on, over what time window, and at the level of aggregation they choose. There are also timesliders available to navigate the most recent 5 years of data.

I extend my sincere appreciation to the HST team and the various contributors and collaborators who have dedicated their time, expertise and passion to the development of this invaluable resource.

We trust that the DHB will continue to serve as a catalyst for evidence-informed decision-making and action, propelling us toward a future where every district is able to make a meaningful impact towards a long and healthy life for all South Africans. As always, we welcome commentary and feedback on the DHB’s usefulness and suggestions for improvement of future editions.

Dr Themba L. Moeti
Chief Executive Officer
Health Systems Trust