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South African Health Review 2011

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It gives me great pleasure to introduce this, the 15th edition of the South African Health Review (SAHR). SAHR 2011 provides valuable
policy and empirical information on a range of issues that are related to and impact on the Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement and primary health care re-engineering as envisaged by the National Department of Health (NDoH). A range of experts provide commentary on topics ranging from rural health, health technology to human resources. SAHR 2011 also contains a section on core health issues, where developments in health information systems, financing health care, and health legislation and policy are discussed. The Review concludes with the Indicators chapter which presents a selection of the best available data on the functioning and performance of the health system.

The Review is aimed at policy makers, planners, health managers, researchers, students and both local and international health and
development organisations. This year’s theme is of particular significance, since South Africa has developed a host of enabling policies and legislation which – if effectively implemented – will bring the country closer to providing equitable, sustainable and acceptable health care for all. Key policy documents such as the Green Paper on National Health Insurance, primary health care re-engineering, the Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement, 10 Point Plan and the latest Human Resources for Health Strategy document collectively mean that SA is poised on the brink of effecting a lasting and meaningful change to its healthcare landscape, which will have significant impact on the
burden of disease and other health indicators.

A strong team within Health Systems Trust (HST) has worked throughout the year to bring the Review to completion, with support from a cadre of highly regarded peer reviewers and authors. On behalf of the Board I wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to all HST staff who have been involved in the production process, and to the authors, peer reviewers and SAHR Editorial Advisory Committee who provided oversight and direction to the Editorial Team.

The collective input of internal and external peer reviewers and the willingness of authors to accommodate collegial feedback and editorial comment has strengthened the Review and ensured that a diverse range of thoughts and views are represented.

We also extend our gratitude to the NDoH for supporting the production of this Review. As far as I am aware, this is one of the
few instances in the world where Government funds an independent review of its own progress. We acknowledge not only the
NDoH’s financial support of the SAHR but also their commitment to preserving HST’s editorial freedom.

We trust that you will find this latest edition of the SAHR a worthy contribution to building better health systems in SA.
Publication Documents

 SAHR 2011

 SAHR 2011 Supporting Documents